
Ready for refunds: 84,000 checks to be distributed

Thousands of people will be lining up at three island malls this morning in hopes of getting their past-due tax refund checks.

Government officials anticipate most people whose names are on at least one of the 84,000 checks to be distributed today will be getting their tax refunds.

Officials also wanted to remind people to ensure they have everything they need, from identification to documents, to pick up checks.

"The process will go a lot smoother if people have their valid I.D.s," said Marie Benito, deputy director of Department of Revenue and Taxation. "We're talking about more than 50,000 people total, that's still tens of thousands at each site, so we're just asking that people make a checklist and check it twice before they leave home."

Officials are also asking people to remain civil and to stay patient.

"This is a big day for thousands of people and the men and women of the Guam Police Department are going to be out there helping to make sure that the day goes smoothly, and that it's a good day for everyone," said Officer A.J. Balajadia, GPD spokesman.

Balajadia said police officers and volunteers will be at all the distribution locations at Micronesia Mall, Guam Premier Outlets, and Agana Shopping Center.

Government officials and staffers were at the sites yesterday setting up the areas, lining the floors with blue tape and posting signs so people know where to go.

At the sites, Department of Administration officials will be handing out the checks, while Rev and Tax employees will verify people's identification and names against a department list to ensure that people who are getting in line don't wait for hours just to find out they're not getting a check.

Benita Manglona, DOA director, said the two-day check distribution process is a huge affair for Guam.

"We're getting people the tax refunds that they've been waiting for for years," she said. "Everyone from Adelup, to DOA, to Rev and Tax, and (Guam Economic Development Authority) and all these other agencies worked very hard to get us all to this point."

She said the administration had a mission to get these refunds out and "had to move mountains to make it happen but we did that."

